Distance Between Ar-Raqqah and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Ar-Raqqah shown on map, and the distance between Ar-Raqqah to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Ar-Raqqah to Syria Cities
Distance Between Ar-Raqqah and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Ar Raqqah to Erbil | 452 km | 281 miles |
Distance from Ar Raqqah to Adana | 348 km | 216 miles |
Distance from Ar Raqqah to Baghdad | 574 km | 357 miles |
Distance from Ar Raqqah to Paphos | 611 km | 380 miles |
Distance from Ar Raqqah to Karaman | 534 km | 332 miles |
Distance from Ar Raqqah to Larnaca | 501 km | 311 miles |
Distance from Ar Raqqah to Qiryat Shemona | 438 km | 272 miles |
Distance from Ar Raqqah to Kilis | 189 km | 117 miles |
Distance from Ar Raqqah to Nicosia | 518 km | 322 miles |
Distance from Ar Raqqah to Mosul | 373 km | 232 miles |