Distance from to

Distance from Quintana Roo to Ojinaga

Distance from Quintana Roo to Ojinaga is 1,991 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 1,237 miles.

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Quintana Roo and Ojinaga is 1,991 km= 1,237 miles.

If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Quintana Roo to Ojinaga, It takes 2.21 hours to arrive.

Quintana Roo

Quintana Roo is located in Mexico.

GPS Coordinates (DMS)19° 10´ 54.2640'' N
88° 28´ 44.9040'' W
Altitude19 m

Quintana Roo Distances to Cities

Quintana RooDistance
Distance from Quintana Roo to Cancun279 km
Distance from Quintana Roo to Queretaro1,257 km
Distance from Quintana Roo to Palenque414 km
Distance from Quintana Roo to Puerto Vallarta1,760 km
Distance from Quintana Roo to Mexico City1,120 km


Ojinaga is located in Mexico.

GPS Coordinates29° 34´ 0.8040'' N
104° 32´ 41.5320'' W
Altitude805 m

Ojinaga Distances to Cities

Distance from Ojinaga to Ciudad Juarez304 km
Distance from Ojinaga to Cananea575 km
Distance from Ojinaga to Ciudad Camargo218 km
Distance from Ojinaga to Agua Prieta519 km
Distance from Ojinaga to Monterrey600 km

Map of Quintana Roo

Map of Ojinaga