Distance from to

Distance Between Patos Fshat and Surrounding Cities

Surrounding cities of Patos Fshat shown on map, and the distance between Patos Fshat to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.

Distance From Patos Fshat to Albania Cities

Distance from Tirana to Patos Fshat77 km48 miles
Distance from Berat to Patos Fshat26 km16 miles
Distance from Diber to Patos Fshat116 km72 miles
Distance from Elbasan to Patos Fshat64 km40 miles
Distance from Gjirokaster to Patos Fshat75 km47 miles
Distance from Korce to Patos Fshat95 km59 miles
Distance from Kukes to Patos Fshat171 km106 miles
Distance from Durres to Patos Fshat77 km48 miles
Distance from Fier to Patos Fshat31 km19 miles
Distance from Lezhe to Patos Fshat127 km79 miles
Distance from Shkoder to Patos Fshat159 km99 miles
Distance from Tirane to Patos Fshat77 km48 miles
Distance from Vlore to Patos Fshat24 km15 miles