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Distance Between Houghton-le-Spring and Surrounding Cities

Surrounding cities of Houghton-le-Spring shown on map, and the distance between Houghton-le-Spring to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.

Distance From Houghton-le-Spring to United Kingdom Cities

Distance from London to Houghton-le-Spring381 km237 miles
Distance from Houghton-le-Spring to Edinburgh165 km103 miles
Distance from Houghton-le-Spring to Cardiff391 km243 miles
Distance from Houghton-le-Spring to Belfast288 km179 miles
Distance from Wales to Houghton-le-Spring338 km210 miles
Distance from Scotland to Houghton-le-Spring251 km156 miles
Distance from Northern Ireland to Houghton-le-Spring322 km200 miles
Distance from England to Houghton-le-Spring277 km172 miles