Distance from to

Distance Between Goseong and Surrounding Cities

Surrounding cities of Goseong shown on map, and the distance between Goseong to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.

Distance From Goseong to South Korea Cities

Distance from Suwon-si to Goseong283 km176 miles
Distance from Muan to Goseong168 km104 miles
Distance from Goseong to Hongsung235 km146 miles
Distance from Goseong to Chuncheon327 km203 miles
Distance from Goseong to Jeonju142 km88 miles
Distance from Goseong to Cheongju-si199 km124 miles
Distance from Goseong to Jeju-si232 km144 miles
Distance from Goseong to Changwon43 km27 miles
Distance from Ulsan to Goseong109 km68 miles
Distance from Daejeon to Goseong175 km109 miles
Distance from Daegu to Goseong103 km64 miles
Distance from Seoul to Goseong312 km194 miles
Distance from Busan to Goseong72 km45 miles
Distance from Gyeongsangbuk-do to Goseong176 km109 miles
Distance from Gyeonggi-do to Goseong281 km175 miles
Distance from Gwangju to Goseong135 km84 miles
Distance from Gangwon-do to Goseong317 km197 miles
Distance from Incheon to Goseong312 km194 miles
Distance from Chungcheongnam-do to Goseong220 km137 miles
Distance from Chungcheongbuk-do to Goseong220 km137 miles
Distance from Jeollanam-do to Goseong122 km76 miles
Distance from Jeollabuk-do to Goseong134 km83 miles
Distance from Jeju-do to Goseong236 km147 miles
Distance from Gyeongsangnam-do to Goseong55 km34 miles