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Distance Between Chak Two Hundred Forty-Nine TDA and Surrounding Cities

Surrounding cities of Chak Two Hundred Forty-Nine TDA shown on map, and the distance between Chak Two Hundred Forty-Nine TDA to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.

Distance From Chak Two Hundred Forty-Nine TDA to Pakistan Cities

Distance from Quetta to Chak Two Hundred Forty-Nine TDA416 km258 miles
Distance from Peshawar to Chak Two Hundred Forty-Nine TDA316 km196 miles
Distance from Muzaffarabad to Chak Two Hundred Forty-Nine TDA413 km257 miles
Distance from Lahore to Chak Two Hundred Forty-Nine TDA300 km186 miles
Distance from Karachi to Chak Two Hundred Forty-Nine TDA807 km501 miles
Distance from Islamabad to Chak Two Hundred Forty-Nine TDA334 km208 miles
Distance from Sindh to Chak Two Hundred Forty-Nine TDA643 km400 miles
Distance from Punjab to Chak Two Hundred Forty-Nine TDA143 km89 miles
Distance from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to Chak Two Hundred Forty-Nine TDA432 km268 miles
Distance from Gilgit-Baltistan to Chak Two Hundred Forty-Nine TDA622 km386 miles
Distance from Federally Administered Tribal Areas to Chak Two Hundred Forty-Nine TDA209 km130 miles
Distance from Balochistan to Chak Two Hundred Forty-Nine TDA661 km411 miles
Distance from Azad Kashmir to Chak Two Hundred Forty-Nine TDA389 km242 miles