Distance from to

Distance from Seremban to Alor Setar

Distance from Seremban to Alor Setar is 414 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 257 miles.

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Seremban and Alor Setar is 414 km= 257 miles.

If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Seremban to Alor Setar, It takes 0.46 hours to arrive.


Seremban is located in Malaysia.

GPS Coordinates (DMS)2° 43´ 46.9200'' N
101° 56´ 17.1600'' E
Altitude59 m

Seremban Distances to Cities

Distance from Seremban to Bahau53 km
Distance from Seremban to Port Dickson26 km
Distance from Seremban to Teluk Intan176 km
Distance from Seremban to Kuching943 km
Distance from Seremban to Tanjung Sepat42 km

Alor Setar

Alor Setar is located in Malaysia.

GPS Coordinates6° 7´ 15.7440'' N
100° 21´ 36.5040'' E
Altitude7 m

Alor Setar Distances to Cities

Alor SetarDistance
Distance from Alor Setar to Kota Bharu208 km
Distance from Alor Setar to George Town79 km
Distance from Alor Setar to Limbang1,629 km
Distance from Alor Setar to Bentong Town335 km
Distance from Alor Setar to Miri1,525 km

Map of Seremban

Map of Alor Setar