Distance from to

Distance from San Luis Potosi to Palenque

Distance from San Luis Potosí to Palenque is 1,074 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 667 miles.

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between San Luis Potosí and Palenque is 1,074 km= 667 miles.

If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from San Luis Potosi to Palenque, It takes 1.19 hours to arrive.

San Luis Potosi

San Luis Potosi is located in Mexico.

GPS Coordinates (DMS)22° 9´ 23.2920'' N
100° 59´ 7.9440'' W
Altitude1874 m

San Luis Potosí Distances to Cities

San Luis PotosíDistance
Distance from San Luis Potosi to Guanajuato129 km
Distance from San Luis Potosi to Monterrey396 km
Distance from San Luis Potosi to Guadalajara299 km
Distance from San Luis Potosi to Jalisco296 km
Distance from San Luis Potosi to Puerto Vallarta472 km


Palenque is located in Mexico.

GPS Coordinates17° 30´ 34.3080'' N
91° 58´ 56.9280'' W
Altitude94 m

Palenque Distances to Cities

Distance from Palenque to Cancun675 km
Distance from Palenque to Merida457 km
Distance from Palenque to Chichen Itza501 km
Distance from Palenque to Chetumal405 km
Distance from Palenque to Catemaco347 km

Map of San Luis Potosi

Map of Palenque