Distance from to

Distance from Annobon to Bioko Norte

Distance from Annobón to Bioko Norte is 664 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 413 miles.

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Annobón and Bioko Norte is 664 km= 413 miles.

If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Annobon to Bioko Norte, It takes 0.74 hours to arrive.


Annobon is located in Equatorial Guinea.

GPS Coordinates (DMS)1° 25´ 19.5960'' S
5° 37´ 10.2360'' E
Altitude12 m
CountryEquatorial Guinea

Annobón Distances to Cities

Distance from Annobon to Centro Sur618 km
Distance from Annobon to Bioko Sur631 km
Distance from Annobon to Wele Nzas683 km
Distance from Annobon to Malabo672 km
Distance from Annobon to Kie Ntem717 km

Bioko Norte

Bioko Norte is located in Equatorial Guinea.

GPS Coordinates3° 39´ 34.2360'' N
8° 47´ 31.8480'' E
Altitude1153 m
CountryEquatorial Guinea

Bioko Norte Distances to Cities

Bioko NorteDistance
Distance from Bioko Norte to Kie Ntem311 km
Distance from Bioko Norte to Bioko Sur33 km
Distance from Bioko Norte to Wele Nzas355 km
Distance from Bioko Norte to Malabo10 km
Distance from Bioko Norte to Centro Sur315 km

Map of Annobon

Map of Bioko Norte