Distance Between Solomon Islands Cities
Select start and destination city to calculate the distance between Solomon Islands cities.
Alternatively click one of the city name below to list the near locations and surrounding cities and calculate distance from the city.
- Central Province
- Choiseul
- Guadalcanal
- Honiara
- Isabel
- Makira
- Malaita
- Rennell and Bellona
- Temotu
- Western Province
Distance Between Major Cities in Solomon Islands
Start and Destination City | Distance | Mileage |
Central Province to Choiseul | 418 km | 260 miles |
Choiseul to Guadalcanal | 450 km | 280 miles |
Guadalcanal to Honiara | 24 km | 15 miles |
Honiara to Isabel | 179 km | 111 miles |
Isabel to Makira | 405 km | 252 miles |
Makira to Malaita | 206 km | 128 miles |
Malaita to Rennell and Bellona | 308 km | 191 miles |
Rennell and Bellona to Temotu | 651 km | 405 miles |
Temotu to Western Province | 989 km | 615 miles |