Distance Between Panama Cities
Select start and destination city to calculate the distance between Panama cities.
Alternatively click one of the city name below to list the near locations and surrounding cities and calculate distance from the city.
- Bocas del Toro
- Chiriqui
- Chitre
- Cocle
- Colon
- Darien
- David
- Embera
- Guna Yala
- Herrera
- Los Santos
- Ngoebe-Bugle
- Panama
- Santiago de Veraguas
- Veraguas
Distance Between Major Cities in Panama
Start and Destination City | Distance | Mileage |
Bocas del Toro to Chiriqui | 113 km | 70 miles |
Chiriqui to Chitre | 209 km | 130 miles |
Chitre to Cocle | 48 km | 30 miles |
Cocle to Colon | 117 km | 73 miles |
Colon to Darien | 283 km | 176 miles |
Darien to David | 509 km | 316 miles |
David to Embera | 526 km | 327 miles |
Embera to Guna Yala | 112 km | 70 miles |
Guna Yala to Herrera | 322 km | 200 miles |
Herrera to Los Santos | 44 km | 27 miles |
Los Santos to Ngoebe-Bugle | 196 km | 122 miles |
Ngoebe-Bugle to Panama | 266 km | 165 miles |
Panama to Santiago de Veraguas | 206 km | 128 miles |
Santiago de Veraguas to Veraguas | 86 km | 53 miles |