Distance Between Isle of Man Cities
Select start and destination city to calculate the distance between Isle of Man cities.
Alternatively click one of the city name below to list the near locations and surrounding cities and calculate distance from the city.
- Andreas
- Arbory
- Ballaugh
- Braddan
- Bride
- Castletown
- Douglas
- German
- Jurby
- Laxey
- Lezayre
- Lonan
- Malew
- Marown
- Maughold
- Michael
- Onchan
- Patrick
- Peel
- Port Erin
- Port St Mary
- Ramsey
- Rushen
- Santon
Distance Between Major Cities in Isle of Man
Start and Destination City | Distance | Mileage |
Andreas to Arbory | 32 km | 20 miles |
Arbory to Ballaugh | 27 km | 17 miles |
Ballaugh to Braddan | 16 km | 10 miles |
Braddan to Bride | 26 km | 16 miles |
Bride to Castletown | 38 km | 24 miles |
Castletown to Douglas | 14 km | 9 miles |
Douglas to German | 1,435 km | 892 miles |
German to Jurby | 1,453 km | 903 miles |
Jurby to Laxey | 16 km | 10 miles |
Laxey to Lezayre | 10 km | 6 miles |
Lezayre to Lonan | 13 km | 8 miles |
Lonan to Malew | 21 km | 13 miles |
Malew to Marown | 13 km | 8 miles |
Marown to Maughold | 20 km | 12 miles |
Maughold to Michael | 26 km | 16 miles |
Michael to Onchan | 16 km | 10 miles |
Onchan to Patrick | 16 km | 10 miles |
Patrick to Peel | 2 km | 1 miles |
Peel to Port Erin | 16 km | 10 miles |
Port Erin to Port St Mary | 2 km | 1 miles |
Port St Mary to Ramsey | 35 km | 22 miles |
Ramsey to Rushen | 33 km | 21 miles |
Rushen to Santon | 33 km | 21 miles |