Distance Between Botswana Cities
Select start and destination city to calculate the distance between Botswana cities.
Alternatively click one of the city name below to list the near locations and surrounding cities and calculate distance from the city.
- Central
- Francistown
- Gaborone
- Ghanzi
- Kanye
- Kgalagadi
- Kgatleng
- Kweneng
- Maun
- Mochudi
- Molepolole
- North East
- North West
- Ramotswa
- Serowe
- South East
- Southern
Distance Between Major Cities in Botswana
Start and Destination City | Distance | Mileage |
Central to Francistown | 113 km | 70 miles |
Francistown to Gaborone | 421 km | 262 miles |
Gaborone to Ghanzi | 546 km | 339 miles |
Ghanzi to Kanye | 523 km | 325 miles |
Kanye to Kgalagadi | 351 km | 218 miles |
Kgalagadi to Kgatleng | 447 km | 278 miles |
Kgatleng to Kweneng | 104 km | 65 miles |
Kweneng to Maun | 470 km | 292 miles |
Maun to Mochudi | 568 km | 353 miles |
Mochudi to Molepolole | 66 km | 41 miles |
Molepolole to North East | 438 km | 272 miles |
North East to North West | 503 km | 313 miles |
North West to Ramotswa | 697 km | 433 miles |
Ramotswa to Serowe | 289 km | 180 miles |
Serowe to South East | 298 km | 185 miles |
South East to Southern | 111 km | 69 miles |