Distance Between Zielona Gora and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Zielona Góra shown on map, and the distance between Zielona Gora to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Zielona Góra to Poland Cities
Distance Between Zielona Gora and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Zielona Gora to Trnava | 423 km | 263 miles |
Distance from Zielona Gora to Baki | 5,303 km | 3,295 miles |
Distance from Zielona Gora to Charlotte Amalie | 7,773 km | 4,830 miles |
Distance from Zielona Gora to Nar Yan Mar | 2,666 km | 1,657 miles |
Distance from Zielona Gora to Sfax | 1,948 km | 1,210 miles |
Distance from Zielona Gora to Trinidad 06 | 11,790 km | 7,326 miles |
Distance from Zielona Gora to Zalau | 758 km | 471 miles |