Distance Between Shymkent and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Shymkent shown on map, and the distance between Shymkent to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Shymkent to Kazakhstan Cities
Distance Between Shymkent and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Shymkent to Tashkent | 119 km | 74 miles |
Distance from Shymkent to Ohangaron | 155 km | 96 miles |
Distance from Shymkent to Pop | 202 km | 126 miles |
Distance from Shymkent to Kirgili | 275 km | 171 miles |
Distance from Shymkent to Nurota | 380 km | 236 miles |
Distance from Shymkent to Angren | 150 km | 93 miles |
Distance from Shymkent to Kogon | 512 km | 318 miles |
Distance from Shymkent to Panjakent | 354 km | 220 miles |
Distance from Shymkent to Novato | 11,015 km | 6,844 miles |
Distance from Shymkent to Farkhor | 534 km | 332 miles |