Distance Between Schaan and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Schaan shown on map, and the distance between Schaan to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Schaan to Liechtenstein Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Vaduz to Schaan | 3 km | 2 miles |
Distance from Triesenberg to Schaan | 6 km | 4 miles |
Distance from Triesen to Schaan | 7 km | 4 miles |
Distance from Schellenberg to Schaan | 9 km | 6 miles |
Distance from Schaan to Ruggell | 8 km | 5 miles |
Distance from Schaan to Planken | 3 km | 2 miles |
Distance from Schaan to Mauren | 6 km | 4 miles |
Distance from Schaan to Gamprin | 5 km | 3 miles |
Distance from Schaan to Eschen | 5 km | 3 miles |
Distance from Schaan to Balzers | 11 km | 7 miles |
Distance Between Schaan and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Schaan to Luzern | 92 km | 57 miles |
Distance from Schaan to Gap | 393 km | 244 miles |
Distance from Schaan to Basel | 153 km | 95 miles |
Distance from Schaan to Seesen | 528 km | 328 miles |
Distance from Schaan to Merzig | 331 km | 206 miles |
Distance from Schaan to Puconci | 509 km | 316 miles |
Distance from Schaan to Seveso | 172 km | 107 miles |
Distance from Schaan to Sarajevo | 783 km | 487 miles |
Distance from Schaan to Perugia | 504 km | 313 miles |
Distance from Schaan to Riom | 510 km | 317 miles |