Distance Between Samtskhe-Javakheti and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Samtskhe-Javakheti shown on map, and the distance between Samtskhe-Javakheti to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Samtskhe-Javakheti to Georgia Cities
Distance Between Samtskhe-Javakheti and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Samtskhe Javakheti to Dubasari | 1,289 km | 801 miles |
Distance from Samtskhe Javakheti to Malew | 3,764 km | 2,339 miles |
Distance from Samtskhe Javakheti to Siaya | 4,683 km | 2,910 miles |
Distance from Samtskhe Javakheti to East Kalimantan | 8,491 km | 5,276 miles |
Distance from Samtskhe Javakheti to Saint Louis | 6,338 km | 3,938 miles |
Distance from Samtskhe Javakheti to Las Marias | 10,269 km | 6,381 miles |
Distance from Samtskhe Javakheti to Manaus | 11,346 km | 7,050 miles |
Distance from Samtskhe Javakheti to Babati | 5,125 km | 3,185 miles |
Distance from Samtskhe Javakheti to Carabobo | 10,989 km | 6,828 miles |
Distance from Samtskhe Javakheti to Ponta Delgada | 5,773 km | 3,587 miles |