Distance Between Putrajaya and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Putrajaya shown on map, and the distance between Putrajaya to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Putrajaya to Malaysia Cities
Distance Between Putrajaya and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Putrajaya to Bukittinggi | 387 km | 240 miles |
Distance from Putrajaya to Dumai | 142 km | 88 miles |
Distance from Putrajaya to Sabang | 780 km | 485 miles |
Distance from Putrajaya to Tanjungpinang | 378 km | 235 miles |
Distance from Putrajaya to Kabanjahe | 357 km | 222 miles |
Distance from Putrajaya to Langsa | 448 km | 278 miles |
Distance from Putrajaya to Amla | 3,303 km | 2,052 miles |
Distance from Putrajaya to Bulawayo | 8,367 km | 5,199 miles |
Distance from Putrajaya to Ponda | 3,334 km | 2,072 miles |
Distance from Putrajaya to Pangkalan Brandan | 399 km | 248 miles |