Distance from to

Distance Between Protaras and Surrounding Cities

Surrounding cities of Protaras shown on map, and the distance between Protaras to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.

Distance From Protaras to Cyprus Cities

Distance from Protaras to Paphos151 km94 miles
Distance from Protaras to Nicosia65 km40 miles
Distance from Protaras to Larnaca41 km25 miles
Distance from Protaras to Kyrenia76 km47 miles
Distance from Protaras to Famagusta16 km10 miles
Distance from Pafos to Protaras151 km94 miles
Distance from Lefkosia to Protaras65 km40 miles
Distance from Limassol to Protaras100 km62 miles
Distance from Larnaka to Protaras55 km34 miles
Distance from Keryneia to Protaras80 km50 miles
Distance from Ammochostos to Protaras17 km11 miles