Distance Between Polkowice and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Polkowice shown on map, and the distance between Polkowice to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Polkowice to Poland Cities
Distance Between Polkowice and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Polkowice to Oklahoma City | 8,410 km | 5,226 miles |
Distance from Polkowice to Newburyport | 6,268 km | 3,895 miles |
Distance from Polkowice to Goshen | 7,242 km | 4,500 miles |
Distance from Polkowice to Svalyava | 595 km | 370 miles |
Distance from Polkowice to Coral Springs | 8,183 km | 5,085 miles |
Distance from Polkowice to Uzhhorod | 549 km | 341 miles |
Distance from Polkowice to Claremont | 9,507 km | 5,907 miles |
Distance from Polkowice to Kamyzyak | 2,405 km | 1,494 miles |
Distance from Polkowice to Ternopil | 709 km | 441 miles |
Distance from Polkowice to Hennenman | 8,869 km | 5,511 miles |