Distance from to

Distance Between Philipsburg and Surrounding Cities

Surrounding cities of Philipsburg shown on map, and the distance between Philipsburg to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.

Distance Between Philipsburg and Foreign Cities

Distance from Philipsburg to Baton Rouge3,157 km1,962 miles
Distance from Philipsburg to Chipata11,067 km6,877 miles
Distance from Philipsburg to Damascus9,754 km6,061 miles
Distance from Philipsburg to San Jose De Mayo5,834 km3,625 miles
Distance from Philipsburg to Santa Fe4,643 km2,885 miles
Distance from Philipsburg to Thanh Pho Bac Lieu16,745 km10,405 miles