Distance Between Pfungstadt and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Pfungstadt shown on map, and the distance between Pfungstadt to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Pfungstadt to Germany Cities
Distance Between Pfungstadt and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Pfungstadt to Illkirch Graffenstaden | 156 km | 97 miles |
Distance from Pfungstadt to Colmar | 212 km | 132 miles |
Distance from Pfungstadt to Forbach | 141 km | 88 miles |
Distance from Pfungstadt to Montargis | 474 km | 295 miles |
Distance from Pfungstadt to Kos | 2,075 km | 1,289 miles |
Distance from Pfungstadt to Wasquehal | 402 km | 250 miles |
Distance from Pfungstadt to Carney | 6,487 km | 4,031 miles |
Distance from Pfungstadt to Lelystad | 372 km | 231 miles |
Distance from Pfungstadt to Bischheim | 146 km | 91 miles |
Distance from Pfungstadt to Cranendonck | 271 km | 168 miles |