Distance Between Opole and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Opole shown on map, and the distance between Opole to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Opole to Poland Cities
Distance Between Opole and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Opole to Kosice | 324 km | 201 miles |
Distance from Opole to Stryi | 453 km | 281 miles |
Distance from Opole to Nitra | 263 km | 163 miles |
Distance from Opole to Zolochiv | 506 km | 314 miles |
Distance from Opole to Boryslav | 424 km | 263 miles |
Distance from Opole to Trencin | 198 km | 123 miles |
Distance from Opole to Chortkiv | 595 km | 370 miles |
Distance from Opole to Sambir | 398 km | 247 miles |
Distance from Opole to Corroios | 2,508 km | 1,558 miles |
Distance from Opole to Presov | 302 km | 188 miles |