Distance from to

Distance Between Ness Ziona and Surrounding Cities

Surrounding cities of Ness Ziona shown on map, and the distance between Ness Ziona to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.

Distance From Ness Ziona to Israel Cities

Distance from Ramla to Ness Ziona6 km4 miles
Distance from Ness Ziona to Nazareth98 km61 miles
Distance from Ness Ziona to Beersheba75 km47 miles
Distance from Jerusalem to Ness Ziona43 km27 miles
Distance from Tel Aviv to Ness Ziona17 km11 miles
Distance from Haifa to Ness Ziona98 km61 miles
Distance from Northern District to Ness Ziona118 km73 miles
Distance from Central District to Ness Ziona10 km6 miles
Distance from Southern District to Ness Ziona124 km77 miles