Distance Between Lodz and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Łódź shown on map, and the distance between Lodz to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Łódź to Poland Cities
Distance Between Lodz and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Lodz to Bratislava | 435 km | 270 miles |
Distance from Lodz to Brody | 440 km | 273 miles |
Distance from Lodz to Dubno | 463 km | 288 miles |
Distance from Lodz to Ternopil | 498 km | 309 miles |
Distance from Lodz to Chortkiv | 543 km | 337 miles |
Distance from Lodz to Zilina | 286 km | 178 miles |
Distance from Lodz to Zolochiv | 440 km | 273 miles |
Distance from Lodz to Melo | 11,750 km | 7,301 miles |
Distance from Lodz to Presov | 331 km | 206 miles |
Distance from Lodz to Kosice | 361 km | 224 miles |