Distance from to

Distance Between Kant and Surrounding Cities

Surrounding cities of Kant shown on map, and the distance between Kant to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.

Distance From Kant to Kyrgyzstan Cities

Distance from Karakol to Kant293 km182 miles
Distance from Osh to Kant313 km194 miles
Distance from Batken to Kant459 km285 miles
Distance from Talas to Kant218 km135 miles
Distance from Naryn to Kant188 km117 miles
Distance from Ysyk-Koel to Kant207 km129 miles
Distance from Bishkek to Kant20 km12 miles
Distance from Jalal-Abad to Kant266 km165 miles
Distance from Chuy to Kant51 km32 miles