Distance from to

Distance Between Horad Barysaw and Surrounding Cities

Surrounding cities of Horad Barysaw shown on map, and the distance between Horad Barysaw to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.

Distance From Horad Barysaw to Belarus Cities

Distance from Mahilyow to Horad Barysaw125 km78 miles
Distance from Hrodna to Horad Barysaw312 km194 miles
Distance from Vitebsk to Horad Barysaw151 km94 miles
Distance from Mogilev to Horad Barysaw125 km78 miles
Distance from Minsk to Horad Barysaw71 km44 miles
Distance from Grodnenskaya to Horad Barysaw216 km134 miles
Distance from Gomel to Horad Barysaw258 km160 miles
Distance from Brest to Horad Barysaw2,359 km1,466 miles