Distance Between Grabouw and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Grabouw shown on map, and the distance between Grabouw to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Grabouw to South Africa Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Pretoria to Grabouw | 1,285 km | 798 miles |
Distance from Polokwane to Grabouw | 1,525 km | 948 miles |
Distance from Pietermaritzburg to Grabouw | 1,186 km | 737 miles |
Distance from Nelspruit to Grabouw | 1,502 km | 933 miles |
Distance from Kimberley to Grabouw | 812 km | 505 miles |
Distance from Johannesburg to Grabouw | 1,238 km | 769 miles |
Distance from Bloemfontein to Grabouw | 881 km | 547 miles |
Distance from Bhisho to Grabouw | 794 km | 493 miles |
Distance from Grabouw to Cape Town | 60 km | 37 miles |
Distance from Orange Free State to Grabouw | 973 km | 605 miles |
Distance from KwaZulu-Natal to Grabouw | 1,289 km | 801 miles |
Distance from Eastern Cape to Grabouw | 719 km | 447 miles |
Distance from Gauteng to Grabouw | 1,237 km | 769 miles |
Distance from Mpumalanga to Grabouw | 1,197 km | 744 miles |
Distance from Northern Cape to Grabouw | 628 km | 390 miles |
Distance from Limpopo to Grabouw | 1,565 km | 972 miles |
Distance from North-West to Grabouw | 1,026 km | 638 miles |
Distance from Western Cape to Grabouw | 282 km | 175 miles |