Distance Between Gori and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Gori shown on map, and the distance between Gori to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Gori to Georgia Cities
Distance Between Gori and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Gori to Hopa | 234 km | 145 miles |
Distance from Gori to Kumru | 586 km | 364 miles |
Distance from Gori to Terek | 167 km | 104 miles |
Distance from Gori to Oltu | 240 km | 149 miles |
Distance from Gori to Sandi | 3,632 km | 2,257 miles |
Distance from Gori to Genc | 469 km | 291 miles |
Distance from Gori to Tuapse | 473 km | 294 miles |
Distance from Gori to Apex | 9,633 km | 5,986 miles |
Distance from Gori to Arakli | 358 km | 222 miles |
Distance from Gori to Birur | 4,396 km | 2,732 miles |