Distance Between Daegu and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Daegu shown on map, and the distance between Daegu to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Daegu to South Korea Cities
Distance Between Daegu and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Daegu to Nagato | 289 km | 180 miles |
Distance from Daegu to Ishii | 570 km | 354 miles |
Distance from Daegu to Shido | 536 km | 333 miles |
Distance from Daegu to Soja | 487 km | 303 miles |
Distance from Daegu to Otake | 378 km | 235 miles |
Distance from Daegu to Shanghai | 840 km | 522 miles |
Distance from Daegu to Ube | 323 km | 201 miles |
Distance from Daegu to Makabe | 1,036 km | 644 miles |
Distance from Daegu to Iwakuni | 381 km | 237 miles |
Distance from Daegu to Aioi | 546 km | 339 miles |