Distance Between Colmar and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Colmar shown on map, and the distance between Colmar to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Colmar to France Cities
Distance Between Colmar and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Colmar to Amsterdam | 509 km | 316 miles |
Distance from Colmar to San Francisco | 9,278 km | 5,765 miles |
Distance from Colmar to Koper | 561 km | 349 miles |
Distance from Colmar to Udine | 500 km | 311 miles |
Distance from Colmar to Gorizia | 532 km | 331 miles |
Distance from Colmar to Bolzano | 349 km | 217 miles |
Distance from Colmar to Jesi | 682 km | 424 miles |
Distance from Colmar to Trieste | 560 km | 348 miles |
Distance from Colmar to London | 660 km | 410 miles |
Distance from Colmar to Zoetermeer | 487 km | 303 miles |