Distance Between Coburg and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Coburg shown on map, and the distance between Coburg to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Coburg to Germany Cities
Distance Between Coburg and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Coburg to Strasbourg | 299 km | 186 miles |
Distance from Coburg to Leek | 452 km | 281 miles |
Distance from Coburg to Druten | 417 km | 259 miles |
Distance from Coburg to Verdun | 420 km | 261 miles |
Distance from Coburg to Best | 416 km | 258 miles |
Distance from Coburg to Orleans | 711 km | 442 miles |
Distance from Coburg to Reims | 512 km | 318 miles |
Distance from Coburg to Benthuizen | 492 km | 306 miles |
Distance from Coburg to Trnava | 525 km | 326 miles |
Distance from Coburg to Opole | 496 km | 308 miles |