Distance Between Bourgogne and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Bourgogne shown on map, and the distance between Bourgogne to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Bourgogne to France Cities
Distance Between Bourgogne and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Bourgogne to Basel | 248 km | 154 miles |
Distance from Bourgogne to Rho | 398 km | 247 miles |
Distance from Bourgogne to Eschen | 390 km | 242 miles |
Distance from Bourgogne to Meda | 399 km | 248 miles |
Distance from Bourgogne to Gunzenhausen | 527 km | 327 miles |
Distance from Bourgogne to Ellwangen | 478 km | 297 miles |
Distance from Bourgogne to Mainz | 435 km | 270 miles |
Distance from Bourgogne to Balzers | 389 km | 242 miles |
Distance from Bourgogne to Karlsruhe | 370 km | 230 miles |
Distance from Bourgogne to Modena | 574 km | 357 miles |