Distance Between Bartoszyce and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Bartoszyce shown on map, and the distance between Bartoszyce to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Bartoszyce to Poland Cities
Distance Between Bartoszyce and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Bartoszyce to Donskoye | 1,799 km | 1,118 miles |
Distance from Bartoszyce to Karlskrona | 394 km | 245 miles |
Distance from Bartoszyce to Chernyakhovsk | 78 km | 48 miles |
Distance from Bartoszyce to Sarny | 508 km | 316 miles |
Distance from Bartoszyce to Pahrump | 9,162 km | 5,693 miles |
Distance from Bartoszyce to Landskrona | 540 km | 336 miles |
Distance from Bartoszyce to Des Plaines | 7,376 km | 4,583 miles |
Distance from Bartoszyce to Halmstad | 570 km | 354 miles |
Distance from Bartoszyce to Pharr | 9,361 km | 5,817 miles |
Distance from Bartoszyce to Obukhiv | 813 km | 505 miles |