Distance Between Banteay Meanchey and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Banteay Meanchey shown on map, and the distance between Banteay Meanchey to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Banteay Meanchey to Cambodia Cities
Distance Between Banteay Meanchey and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Banteay Meanchey to Rosoman | 8,274 km | 5,141 miles |
Distance from Banteay Meanchey to Al Bayda | 8,384 km | 5,210 miles |
Distance from Banteay Meanchey to Ostersund | 8,573 km | 5,327 miles |
Distance from Banteay Meanchey to Dresden | 8,781 km | 5,456 miles |
Distance from Banteay Meanchey to Piran Pirano | 8,887 km | 5,522 miles |
Distance from Banteay Meanchey to Mbandaka | 9,436 km | 5,863 miles |
Distance from Banteay Meanchey to Atafu | 9,666 km | 6,006 miles |
Distance from Banteay Meanchey to Hobart | 7,727 km | 4,801 miles |
Distance from Banteay Meanchey to Haa Alifu Atholhu | 3,361 km | 2,088 miles |
Distance from Banteay Meanchey to Burdur | 7,572 km | 4,705 miles |