Distance Between Alsace and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Alsace shown on map, and the distance between Alsace to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Alsace to France Cities
Distance Between Alsace and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Alsace to Stuttgart | 138 km | 86 miles |
Distance from Alsace to Basel | 85 km | 53 miles |
Distance from Alsace to Luzern | 155 km | 96 miles |
Distance from Alsace to Prague | 545 km | 339 miles |
Distance from Alsace to Mannheim | 152 km | 94 miles |
Distance from Alsace to Cordenons | 476 km | 296 miles |
Distance from Alsace to Koper | 569 km | 354 miles |
Distance from Alsace to Mainz | 195 km | 121 miles |
Distance from Alsace to Much | 289 km | 180 miles |
Distance from Alsace to Udine | 506 km | 314 miles |