Distance from to

Distance Between St Kitts and Nevis Cities

Select start and destination city to calculate the distance between St Kitts and Nevis cities.

Alternatively click one of the city name below to list the near locations and surrounding cities and calculate distance from the city.

Distance Between Major Cities in St Kitts and Nevis

Start CityDestination CityDistance
St John Figtree ParishSt Paul Capisterre Parish39.25 km
St Paul Capisterre ParishSt Thomas Middle Island Parish6.87 km
St Thomas Middle Island ParishTrinity Palmetto Point Parish5.92 km
Trinity Palmetto Point ParishSt George Basseterre Parish14.79 km
St George Basseterre ParishSt James Windward Parish9.43 km
St James Windward ParishChrist Church Nichola Town Parish28.12 km
Christ Church Nichola Town ParishSt Anne Sandy Point Parish8.84 km
St Anne Sandy Point ParishSt George Gingerland Parish40.62 km
St George Gingerland ParishSt Mary Cayon Parish30.84 km