Distance from to

Distance Between Cities on Map

Distance calculator finds the distance between cities or places and shows the distance in miles and kilometers. Air distance (also called great circle or orthodrome) is also drawn on the distance map below.

Type the city name, location name or the location coordinates in lat long format (lat,long) and hit measure button to calculate the distance between cities or two places. Find the distance from cities in miles and kilometers for flying air distance.

Please add the country code or name. Example: Richmond, VA, US

The red line on the map indicates the Great Circle Distance.
The black line is the Rhumb line between the two points.

Distance calculator helps you to find how many miles from a city to an another city on map.

Distance between cities or 2 locations are measured in both kilometers, miles and nautical miles at the same time.

Air distance is the bird fly distance between two locations which is calculated with the great circle formula.

nmi: is the symbol of nautical miles in distance calculation.

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