Distance from to

Distance from Toshkent Shahri to Navoiy

Distance from Toshkent Shahri to Navoiy is 353 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 219 miles.

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Toshkent Shahri and Navoiy is 353 km= 219 miles.

If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Toshkent Shahri to Navoiy, It takes 0.39 hours to arrive.

Toshkent Shahri

Toshkent Shahri is located in Uzbekistan.

GPS Coordinates (DMS)41° 17´ 58.2000'' N
69° 14´ 24.2520'' E
Altitude444 m

Toshkent Shahri Distances to Cities

Toshkent ShahriDistance
Distance from Toshkent Shahri to Namangan204 km
Distance from Toshkent Shahri to Denov356 km
Distance from Toshkent Shahri to Jizzax174 km
Distance from Toshkent Shahri to Tashkent4 km
Distance from Toshkent Shahri to Qibray21 km


Navoiy is located in Uzbekistan.

GPS Coordinates40° 6´ 14.1120'' N
65° 22´ 7.7880'' E
Altitude373 m

Navoiy Distances to Cities

Distance from Navoiy to Qarshi143 km
Distance from Navoiy to Tashkent350 km
Distance from Navoiy to Namangan541 km
Distance from Navoiy to Chelak129 km
Distance from Navoiy to Tirmiz360 km

Map of Toshkent Shahri

Map of Navoiy