Distance from to

Distance Between Portel and Surrounding Cities

Surrounding cities of Portel shown on map, and the distance between Portel to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.

Distance From Portel to Brazil Cities

Distance from Teresina to Portel956 km594 miles
Distance from Sao Luis to Portel727 km452 miles
Distance from Recife to Portel1,891 km1,175 miles
Distance from Portel to Natal1,784 km1,109 miles
Distance from Portel to Maceio1,876 km1,166 miles
Distance from Portel to Macapa221 km137 miles
Distance from Portel to Joao Pessoa1,860 km1,156 miles
Distance from Portel to Fortaleza1,378 km856 miles
Distance from Portel to Belem263 km163 miles
Distance from Portel to Vitoria2,340 km1,454 miles
Distance from Portel to Salvador1,828 km1,136 miles
Distance from Portel to Porto Alegre3,125 km1,942 miles
Distance from Portel to Goiania1,648 km1,024 miles
Distance from Portel to Florianopolis2,864 km1,780 miles
Distance from Portel to Curitiba2,617 km1,626 miles
Distance from Portel to Cuiaba1,625 km1,010 miles
Distance from Portel to Campo Grande2,099 km1,304 miles
Distance from Portel to Brasilia1,572 km977 miles
Distance from Portel to Belo Horizonte2,135 km1,327 miles
Distance from Portel to Aracaju1,816 km1,128 miles
Distance from Portel to Palmas956 km594 miles
Distance from Portel to Rio Branco2,079 km1,292 miles
Distance from Portel to Porto Velho1,634 km1,015 miles
Distance from Portel to Manaus1,031 km641 miles
Distance from Portel to Boa Vista1,216 km756 miles
Distance from Rio Grande do Norte to Portel1,586 km985 miles
Distance from Piaui to Portel1,103 km685 miles
Distance from Pernambuco to Portel1,714 km1,065 miles
Distance from Paraiba to Portel1,664 km1,034 miles
Distance from Para to Portel457 km284 miles
Distance from Maranhao to Portel701 km436 miles
Distance from Ceara to Portel1,336 km830 miles
Distance from Amapa to Portel342 km213 miles
Distance from Alagoas to Portel1,769 km1,099 miles
Distance from Sergipe to Portel1,767 km1,098 miles
Distance from Sao Paulo to Portel2,445 km1,519 miles
Distance from Santa Catarina to Portel2,815 km1,749 miles
Distance from Rio Grande do Sul to Portel3,125 km1,942 miles
Distance from Rio de Janeiro to Portel2,474 km1,537 miles
Distance from Parana to Portel2,596 km1,613 miles
Distance from Minas Gerais to Portel1,966 km1,222 miles
Distance from Mato Grosso do Sul to Portel2,138 km1,328 miles
Distance from Mato Grosso to Portel1,371 km852 miles
Distance from Goias to Portel1,548 km962 miles
Distance from Federal District to Portel1,577 km980 miles
Distance from Espirito Santo to Portel2,233 km1,388 miles
Distance from Bahia to Portel1,552 km964 miles
Distance from Tocantins to Portel958 km595 miles
Distance from Roraima to Portel1,355 km842 miles
Distance from Amazonas to Portel1,678 km1,043 miles
Distance from Acre to Portel2,347 km1,458 miles
Distance from Rondonia to Portel1,764 km1,096 miles