Distance from to

Distance Between Longyearbyen and Surrounding Cities

Surrounding cities of Longyearbyen shown on map, and the distance between Longyearbyen to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.

Distance From Longyearbyen to Svalbard and Jan Mayen Cities

Distance from Jan Mayen to Longyearbyen129 km80 miles
Distance from Svalbard to Longyearbyen129 km80 miles

Distance Between Longyearbyen and Foreign Cities

Distance from Longyearbyen to Dan Khunot8,269 km5,138 miles
Distance from Longyearbyen to Kadoma10,753 km6,682 miles
Distance from Longyearbyen to Terme4,234 km2,631 miles
Distance from Longyearbyen to Pearl6,861 km4,263 miles
Distance from Longyearbyen to Jeffersonville6,120 km3,803 miles
Distance from Longyearbyen to Tha Mai8,554 km5,315 miles
Distance from Longyearbyen to Niagara Falls5,458 km3,391 miles
Distance from Longyearbyen to Sousse4,727 km2,937 miles
Distance from Longyearbyen to Dracut5,331 km3,313 miles
Distance from Longyearbyen to Tampa7,163 km4,451 miles