Distance from to

Distance Between Banteay Meanchey and Surrounding Cities

Surrounding cities of Banteay Meanchey shown on map, and the distance between Banteay Meanchey to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.

Distance From Banteay Meanchey to Cambodia Cities

Distance from Banteay Meanchey to Ta Khmau330 km205 miles
Distance from Banteay Meanchey to Sisophon12 km7 miles
Distance from Banteay Meanchey to Samraong88 km55 miles
Distance from Banteay Meanchey to Tbeng Meanchey226 km140 miles
Distance from Banteay Meanchey to Sihanoukville347 km216 miles
Distance from Banteay Meanchey to Ban Lung442 km275 miles
Distance from Pursat to Banteay Meanchey168 km104 miles
Distance from Battambang to Banteay Meanchey72 km45 miles
Distance from Takeo to Banteay Meanchey368 km229 miles
Distance from Svay Rieng to Banteay Meanchey426 km265 miles
Distance from Stung Treng to Banteay Meanchey332 km206 miles
Distance from Otar Meanchey to Banteay Meanchey97 km60 miles
Distance from Siem Reap to Banteay Meanchey130 km81 miles
Distance from Ratanakiri to Banteay Meanchey454 km282 miles
Distance from Prey Veng to Banteay Meanchey380 km236 miles
Distance from Preah Vihear to Banteay Meanchey214 km133 miles
Distance from Phnom Penh to Banteay Meanchey320 km199 miles
Distance from Pailin to Banteay Meanchey88 km55 miles
Distance from Mondolkiri to Banteay Meanchey465 km289 miles
Distance from Kratie to Banteay Meanchey344 km214 miles
Distance from Kep to Banteay Meanchey383 km238 miles
Distance from Koh Kong to Banteay Meanchey238 km148 miles
Distance from Kandal to Banteay Meanchey364 km226 miles
Distance from Kampot to Banteay Meanchey355 km221 miles
Distance from Kampong Thom to Banteay Meanchey265 km165 miles
Distance from Kampong Speu to Banteay Meanchey279 km173 miles
Distance from Kampong Chhnang to Banteay Meanchey248 km154 miles
Distance from Kampong Cham to Banteay Meanchey350 km217 miles
Distance from Preah Sihanouk to Banteay Meanchey339 km211 miles

Distance Between Banteay Meanchey and Foreign Cities

Distance from Banteay Meanchey to Rosoman8,274 km5,141 miles
Distance from Banteay Meanchey to Al Bayda8,384 km5,210 miles
Distance from Banteay Meanchey to Ostersund8,573 km5,327 miles
Distance from Banteay Meanchey to Dresden8,781 km5,456 miles
Distance from Banteay Meanchey to Piran Pirano8,887 km5,522 miles
Distance from Banteay Meanchey to Mbandaka9,436 km5,863 miles
Distance from Banteay Meanchey to Atafu9,666 km6,006 miles
Distance from Banteay Meanchey to Hobart7,727 km4,801 miles
Distance from Banteay Meanchey to Haa Alifu Atholhu3,361 km2,088 miles
Distance from Banteay Meanchey to Burdur7,572 km4,705 miles